Offshore Subcontracting & Outsourcing

Why outsource your web projects to us?

ADN CREA offers you solutions forweb outsourcing which will allow you to reduce your production costs and thus increase your margin. Each project is analyzed with particular attention in order to develop reliable sites that meet customer needs. Thanks to experience in web subcontracting, our web agency will offer you quality work worthy of made in France.

A qualified web agency for the development of your websites

We have a young and competent team (developers, graphic designers, webmasters and project managers) to respond to the requests of our clients, which allows us to be extremely responsive.
Our team regularly works with companies around the world (Europe, North America).

In addition, we provide a real follow-up service to guarantee you a job well done.

How to get started?

Let's start with a free discussion, an exchange in search of common ground, of common values in which we believe, of the vision that we share.
This first experience will allow a mutual evaluation and a better definition of the method to follow, technical, human and financial resources.

Method 1. You provide the precise functional and technical specifications.
A few remote meetings to analyze your documents allow you to identify the demand before launching the production phase. Then we follow the standard workflow of a project.

Method 2. You provide the functional specifications and we produce the technical specifications together.
After an initial brief on the spirit of the work, you post a technical execution file on an FTP space (on our server project-name.sitebeta.com or on yours).

A strategic initiative:

  • Very competitive production costs from the 1st quarter.(The advantage is to set the budget and deadlines for the project and to relieve you of project and resource management responsibilities.)
  • Long-term support: We provide corrective and evolutionary maintenance for delivered projects.
  • Transparency: Timesheet and progress meetings throughout the project.
  • Quality : We ensure high quality and use of the latest technologies.
  • Implementation of tools promoting remote work and communication:Meetings, video or telephone conferences and 100% documentation in French (translation of documents into English at the request of English-speaking customers).
  • Travel abroad depending on the size of the project.
  • Time zone management, work on weekends, adaptation of schedules.
  • Translation management or adaptations.
  • Our employees are trilingual.

Delegation of personnel and dedicated resources:

We offer a service for providing resources dedicated to your projects (developers/designers from 2 years to 15 years of experience) full-time or part-time, on a fixed price or daily billing.

–  Webmaster:corrective or progressive maintenance,
–  Integrator:  Cutting models & layout/(HTML5/CSS/JS/JQUERY).
–  Website creation complete. ( CMS: WordPress. / Dev : custom made)
–  Specific web development : PHP/MySQL, ASP, ASP.NET, JavaScript, AJAX.
–  Software development, Mobile applications, under application or module.
Graphic work: Web & print graphic design.…
Retouching images. : Processing and optimization
Creation Interactive media : video editing and Flash animation.
– And any other activity related to our areas of expertise.

Our engagements:

Our outsourcing solutions meet all of your needs and bring you real added value to your website development and SEO projects.

Our Objective is clear: Meet your needs by finding positive synergy between quality, production times and cost.

  • Confidentiality & security of all information and content concerning the client internally and externally.
  • An experienced team capable of adapting to all your projects.
  • Compliance with commitments made by ensuring the transparency of procedures.
  • Quality control ensured by our web professionals (according to agreed standards).
  • Results, in accordance with your objectives.
  • The services are delivered in white label and are signed with your name.
  • Respect of delivery deadlines for various projects.
  • Permanent communication on Skype or email with the project manager.

Contact our managers Outsourcing Mr Anis and Mr Amira.
Write to us on adn2world@adn-crea.com

  • One page site

  • From


  • A one-page website to be present on the internet in an elegant and professional way (a long scrolling page with fluid animations).
  • Graphic charter adapted to your colors

    Insertion of logo and photos

    Responsive design (adaptive website)

    5 scrolling slides

    SEO Optimization

    Contact form with Map

    Back office content manager (CMS) for unlimited updates

  • Showcase site

  • From


  • The showcase site ensures that you are present on the web quickly by creating a simple but useful and effective website.
  • Graphic charter adapted to your colors

    Insertion of logo and photos

    Responsive design (adaptive website)

    Slider (scrolling banner)

    SEO Optimization

    Contact form with Map

    Design and ergonomics of the site optimized according to needs

    Insertion of content, web pages

    Back office content manager (CMS) for unlimited updates

  • Site Catalog

  • From


  • This solution allows you to create your site online and present all of your products online (portfolio mode sorted by categories).
  • Graphic charter adapted to your colors

    Insertion of logo and photos

    Responsive design (adaptive website)

    Slider (scrolling banner)

    SEO Optimization

    Contact form with Map

    Design and ergonomics of the site optimized according to needs

    Product portfolio Insertion of content, products

    Back office content manager (CMS) for unlimited updates

  • E-Commerce Site

  • From


  • The E-commerce site is aimed at business professionals who wish to start selling their products or services online.
  • Graphic charter adapted to your colors

    Insertion of logo and photos

    Responsive design (adaptive website)

    Slider (scrolling banner)

    SEO Optimization

    Contact form with Map

    Design and ergonomics of the site optimized according to needs

    -Product insertion
    -Stock management
    -Order management
    -Integration of an online payment module
    -Setting up a delivery module

    Back office content manager (CMS) for unlimited updates

  • Custom made

  • From


  • You will access a tailor-made site that adapts to your needs and not the other way around, based on a strategy and objectives specific to your organization.
  • Graphic charter adapted to your colors

    Insertion of logo and photos

    Responsive design (adaptive website)

    Unlimited number of pages

    SEO Optimization

    Contact form with Map

    Design and ergonomics of the site optimized according to needs

    Development of specific modules according to your needs

    Many options

    Back office content manager (CMS) for unlimited updates